Odstraňovanie následkov havárie a mimoriadneho zhoršenia kvality vôd alebo mimoriadneho ohrozenia kvality vôd ohrozujúcich alebo poškodzujúcich životné prostredie

Činnosť HV: Podpora je určená na odstraňovanie následkov mimoriadneho zhoršenia kvality vôd alebo mimoriadneho ohrozenia kvality vôd ohrozujúcich alebo poškodzujúcich životné prostredie

Oprávnení žiadatelia pre činnosť HV: Slovenská inšpekcia životného prostredia
Termín na podanie žiadosti: otvorená špecifikácia

Termín na podanie žiadosti: od 01. 01. do 30. 11. príslušného kalendárneho roka, za ktorý Žiadateľ podáva Žiadosť.


• 02/212 909 26

Často kladené otázky

How can i pay for my 5order?

Already the people had fled from the city by millions at first the rich, in their private motor-cars and dirigibles, and then the great mass of the population, on foot, carrying the plague

What is theGov, and how does it work?

Already the people had fled from the city by millions at first the rich, in their private motor-cars and dirigibles, and then the great mass of the population, on foot, carrying the plague

Are there any discounts included?

Already the people had fled from the city by millions at first the rich, in their private motor-cars and dirigibles, and then the great mass of the population, on foot, carrying the plague

Can i specify a delivery date when ordering?

Already the people had fled from the city by millions at first the rich, in their private motor-cars and dirigibles, and then the great mass of the population, on foot, carrying the plague

How can i pay for my order?

Already the people had fled from the city by millions at first the rich, in their private motor-cars and dirigibles, and then the great mass of the population, on foot, carrying the plague

Together We Will Have Answers

А сonsumers have the right to know what is in their drinking water air The information contained in an Annual Water Quality Report can raise south. awareness regarding the source of their